
Yoder, Kansas
In 1906, A.M. Switzer plotted the little town of Yoder as a central point for surrounding Amish communities. Today, Yoder is still considered to be that. Though many businesses and homes have moved in around Yoder, the picturesque town has stayed the same size.
With the emergence of new business, Yoder has prospered, inviting visitors to take a step back in time and enjoy the Amish settlement.
The town is a quaint mixture of the past and present, as horse buggies are intermingled with cars and trucks. Many businesses cater to the tourist trade, making it convenient to enjoy this wonderful Amish community.
Yoder welcomes its visitors to enjoy the simplicity of the past with the comforts of the present.
Many of Yoder's finest merchants are featured on this web site. Click on any of the links above to see all that Yoder has to offer.